Boating Atlantic 2022

Bedford Basin Yacht Club

Bedford Basin Yacht Club #55
Bedford | 902-835-3729 | | Location

44.43’36″‘N 63.39’ 51″W

Due to the modular construction of our marina we can expand it on short notice. We’ll have space for you! We have also have moorings available for short and long term rental.

If you have a boating membership in another Yacht Club and wish to spend a night or two with us, contact the BBYC manger and ask about reciprocal berthing privileges.

Dockage:  Yes
Maximum Length: 40′
Depth: 8′
AC Power:  30 amp
Moorings: Yes
Launch Ramp: Yes
Fuel: No
Water & Ice: Water and Ice
Pump-out: No
Washrooms: Yes
Showers: Yes
Laundry: No
Winter Storage: Yes