Boating Atlantic 2022

Bas-Caraquet Marina

Bas-Caraquet Marina #19
Bas Caraquet | | Location
506-726-8900 in season / 506-727-5039 off season

The marina of Bas-Caraquet includes 3 facilities to serve you: 
A marina, a campsite and a restaurant-bar.

The Marina of Bas-Caraquet

Located on the southern shore of Baie-des-Chaleurs, Bas-Caraquet marina offers various types of pleasure craft and their crew, a wide range of services that can be found in a modern marina. The marina is very protected and sheltered from bad weather. The proximity of Île Caraquet offers visitors a protected anchorage and exceptional beaches. A few hours from the Gaspé coast, the Bas-Caraquet marina is therefore a first choice destination for water sports enthusiasts of all kinds.